Jose Colorado

Helping basketball players achieve their pro dreams.

Overseas Basketball Salaries: Why Being Selfish In Professional Basketball Pays (2020)

Overseas professional basketball teams and managers are looking for certain types of players depending on the region. In many parts being selfishness can actually increase your overseas basketball salary. Let me explain why through a comprehensive checklist.

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The grim reality for imports post COVID-19 and how to combat it

Changes are on the way - but to what degree, remains to be seen.

With many international leagues aiming to restart in the coming months, logistical adjustments will undoubtedly come out on the other end.

The most sobering reality on the horizon?

An international market without imports.

Here's a five-step plan to prepare for just that.

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Overseas Basketball: Why Your Passport is The Most Important Asset For Professional Teams (2022)

Whether a Cotonou, Bosman A, Bosman B, Asian Import, American, Canadian or Australian - your passport may be the single most powerful asset you have to achieve your overseas basketball dreams.

Pro teams look for players with certain types. Learn more.

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Overseas Basketball: 3 Ways to Protect Yourself Against the Dangers of Pro Basketball (2020)

Like all professional athletes, overseas basketball players face many dangers both as an active player and in their life after sport retirement transition as depression, money loss and quality of life can be compromised.

Here's three ways to prepare for both scenarios.

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